Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pramface?

The word used to describe the face of a bitter teenage chav pushing a pram on her own to the Post Office to pick up her Giro.

Bloody hell, I just walked past Lidl's in Swansea - You should have seen how many PramFaces are outside rolling joins and swapping their babies.

👍137 👎65

pramface - video


Pramface - what is it?

A woman who looks so young she ought to be pushing a pram around a council estate in the shittiest part of town.

What nice tatoos, pramface. Did you do them yourself?

👍249 👎219

What does "pramface" mean?

A word used to describe young women who err, push prams. Often labelled as chavs for having children so young; as it has suddenly become acceptable for the middle classes to openly mock the working classes.

Look Winston, a women pushing her own child around and not using a Nanny; she's a right Pramface.

👍349 👎287