Definder - what does the word mean?

What is post cum hatred?

An inexplicable revulsion towards your sexual partner occuring immediately following orgasm. Even the sight of the person next to you is enough to bring you out in a cold sweat, and any physical contact is positively nauseating. It is in no way linked to the perceived attractiveness of said partner, and is commmon in loving relationships. Usually lasts between 5 minutes and an hour.

I had a really bad case of post cum hatred last night, and had to make my boyfriend go home.

👍45 👎39

post cum hatred - video


Post cum hatred - what is it?

An inexplicable revulsion towards your sexual partner occuring immediately following orgasm. Even the sight of the person next to you is enough to bring you out in a cold sweat, and any physical contact is positively nauseating. It is in no way linked to the perceived attractiveness of said partner, and is commmon in loving relationships. Usually lasts between 5 minutes and an hour.

I had a really bad case of post cum hatred last night, and had to make my boyfriend go home.

👍95 👎43