Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pissboner?

n. When a male acquires a penile erection, usually only maximizing at 75%, due to the need to urinate. Sometimes also referred to as peacock.

Girl - Eww, he's got a chub!!!

Guy - Don't flatter yourself hun, it's just a pissboner.

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pissboner - video


Pissboner - what is it?

An erection fueled not by arousal but rather the insatiable urge to urinate.

A young male who, on the surface appears to have it all together, but behind the scenes is a total trainwreck of a human being with no regard for civilized society or social norms.

Dude I woke up with a raging pissbone this morning, but then I took a leak and it was all gone.

That party was fun until those Pissbones left hot pocket crumbs all over the couch and started a "chug" chant.

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