Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pio?

Pio: (adj, P - oh): Used in reference to, or in association with individuals of a particular caliber of intellect.

"Good god that guy is a Pio!"

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pio - meme gif

pio meme gif

pio - video


Pio - what is it?

Commonly in San Diego. A guy who has mad swagg and pulls girls all day. Someone who also has fresh fits

Woah bro! I thnk hes pullin a Pio!"

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What does "pio" mean?

Slang term for the University of Minnesota's Pioneer Hall in the Superblock. Giving T-hall (Territorial) a run for it's money for being the "Party Dorm."

The guys in Pio third floor North are a bunch of Bro's.

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Pio - what does it mean?

A godlike human that’s very immortal.

You’re like a Pio.

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Pio - meaning

One of the cutest boys you'll ever meet who is too smart for his own good.

A Pio is Someone who is super kind to anyone who he meets

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Pio - definition

When playing the online game 'Drawception' (a meme creating drawing game) this acronym will be used when others want you to all draw the same thing. It stands for 'Pass It On' and you will use it in your drawing so that others know to 'pass it on'

"Draw your best skyscraper, PIO"
-You then would draw the skyscraper and write 'draw your best skyscraper PIO' in your drawing so that others know it's a PIO-

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Pio - slang

some guy that goes to ruhs

And then he asked,"What's a pio?"

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A term used to describe pure, extreme lazyness.

LOL, you are still at level 84? quit being such a pio.

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chicken vagina

in some cases may be referred to the noise chickens make when they have sex

Daryl loves her pio.

When Paula screams it's like pio.

They just can't wait to get more pio.

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to "play it off"; used to describe instances where someone messes up or makes an ass of themselves and needs some sort of recovery, immediately.

boy: haha, that girl just fell in the dirt!
girl: she needs to pio.

boy: ouch! i just hit my head in the door and everyone saw. i'm a fucking moron!
girl: no worries, pio. it could have happened to anyone.

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