Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pink-ass?

when u brush your eye against a nasty butthole, causing inflammation
common symptoms include redness, irritation and death

gae dat bitch ass pink eye

👍45 👎21

pink-ass - meme gif

pink-ass meme gif

pink-ass - video


Pink-ass - what is it?

Chris Longo of Westerly Rhode Island. He beats woman which makes him a bitch. And he drinks anything from NyQuil to dubra and it turns his face pink and puffy.

Chris is such a little pink ass bitch, he needs to stop day drinking and playing xbox in his fictitious world.

👍27 👎13

What does "pink-ass" mean?

white boy

What are you lookin' at, pink ass?

👍141 👎77

Pink-ass - what does it mean?

really, really pink

she was wearing a pink-ass shirt today

👍91 👎57