Definder - what does the word mean?

What is phagot?

A person that thinks the F4 Phantom is and always will be a superior fighter jet

James is such a Phagot, never even considering the more modern jets

👍25 👎11

phagot - video


Phagot - what is it?

Alternate spelling for the word Faggot. Actual definition of the word is "a bundle of sticks". As "faggot" has has now been co-opted as an offensive slur for a homosexual male, users on IRC decided on an alternate spelling for use with the original definition to separate it from the offensive slur.

"I got a phagot tied up in the barn we can use in the fireplace tonight"

"Go get a phagot together, we need something to keep to bonfire going tonight"

👍91 👎41