Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pewbes?

Acronym for:

Brian punched a hole in the wall when he found out his grandfather cut his inheritance by 500k. He's such a pewb!

👍25 👎11

pewbes - video


Pewbes - what is it?

The parallel energy window banks

Is a company pewb will also means when you are a professional at a certain subject

You are Pewb bro
Have you visited pewb yet!

👍25 👎13

What does "pewbes" mean?

Rubbing a pair of bewbs with pewp, thus you get pewbs.

I was going to give Cindy the pewbs, but she wouldn't have it. So I gave them to myself.

👍51 👎65

Pewbes - what does it mean?

Those hairs around ur dick / balls / vaj / asshole

1. Dude I shaved my pewbes last night, so goddam itchy!

2. Damn dude, Stacey’s got the biggest bush ever! When I went down on her I got a face full of pewbes.

👍29 👎13

Pewbes - meaning

A portmanteau of perpetual and newbie meaning a perpetual noob. A person who despite months and years of doing something is still completely incompetent. Also, Poob, P-nubs, etc...

Man: He's been all over the world, danced at dozens of festivals, and still sucks like a mother fucker. What a pewb.

Woman: P-nubs fo' realz.

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Pewbes - definition


lol @ her bushy pewbs

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