Definder - what does the word mean?

What is path to success?

No- Hey, it wasn't intended to be pushed as a path fo success. It was intended to be evidentiary of the fact that under the right circumstances it's incredibly easy to be wildly successful. I said it and I was correct.

Hym "No- It was never intended to be an iterable path to success. I said 'You're not special for succeeding. It actually wouldn't take much. You have to do this, this, and this under theses circumstances. Easy 200 million. It's not complicated.' The REAL message you're trying to prevent from spreading is exactly that. That the success aren't special. They're barely culpable in their own success. Circumstances CAN be changed. And sometimes it can take as little AS READING A FUCKING URBAN DICTIONARY DEFINITION TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER AND RADICALLY PROPEL YOU TO SUCCESS."

👍27 👎13

path to success - video