Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pasta dinner?

When a guy with a Jacobโ€™s ladder piercing puts wet spaghetti noodles in place of the barbells, fucks a girl on her period, then gets a blowjob.

Dude I dropped acid with my girlfriend last night and then she gave me a pasta dinner, absolutely life changing!

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pasta dinner - video


Pasta dinner - what is it?

When you eat a bunch of uncooked pasta and then drink about a gallon of water, throw up the pasta into your significant otherโ€™s vagina, stick your penis into the pasta filled vagina and then eat the pasta once youโ€™ve finished having intercourse

Guy: god Iโ€™m so hungry and horny
Girl: are you down for a pasta dinner?

Guy: get naked rn

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