Definder - what does the word mean?

What is parfitt?

A Twat

He is such a Robert parfitt

👍25 👎13

parfitt - meme gif

parfitt meme gif

parfitt - video


Parfitt - what is it?

Masturbating whilst in the stance and strumming style of Status Quo legend Rick Parfitt.

guy 1. I could see through your curtains -were you playing air guitar?

guy 2. No I was practicing Rick Parfitt's Rhythm Method

👍45 👎13

What does "parfitt" mean?

The term where a person who is overweight. Has a teacher in high school who fucked their grandmother. And Asks everyone for food.

Paul: Hey do you remember someone which is like a Sam Parfitt?
Karl: Yeah and their sister was well fit.
Paul: I mean like Ben Harris.
Karl: Oh yeah.

👍27 👎13

Parfitt - what does it mean?

a person who is usually obscene with his finger dick and verbally and who is lame about losing at video games. He will usually be there for a person.

Me: Hey whats going on?
John: Your mom was so good last night.
Me: What?
John: I just jizzed in my pants. *immitates masturbation*


Me: Hey I need your help.
John: Yea dude what's up?
Me: This kid has it out for me.
John: His dick?
Me: No like he wants to beat me up. Stop being a Kevin Parfitt.
John: I'll get him for you. BTW, I cummed on your bed last night.

👍33 👎15

Parfitt - meaning

A green piece of poop.

Damn! I just did a parfitt! Shouldn't've eaten that broccoli.

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Parfitt - definition

what people now say when they've done somethin stupid. such as releasing toxic gas in to a room where people work, endangering there lives and later needing two fire engines to stop the gas.

"look at him what a parfitt!"
"dont go and do a parfitt you ass"

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Parfitt - slang

verb; When someone messes something up or does something incredibly stupid, it could be said that they had "parfitted up" the said-thing. Is replaceable with "fucked up" or "messed up".

"Dude, how d'your exam go?"
"I parfitted that one up, that's for sure"

"Mandem, watch me clear this pond"
"You're going to parfitt it"

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