Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pair bond?

Yeah getting fucked by a cripple also reduces your ability to pair bond.

Hym “Yes and fucking a retard causes a hardening of the oxytocin receptors and diminishes a woman’s ability to pair bond. So, hopefully their husbands kill themselves over the fact that their wife’s ability to love him was fucked out of her by a retard (and so that one of them doesn’t have to help raise her retarded kid. Marry the retard bitch. He can help raise your cripple son. What? No? Is that a bad idea? Right, cus he’s in a group home and can’t even take care of himself. Wait, does Missy even read this? I donno but I digress...) and then the whores kill themselves and then the cripple kills himself and then everyone wins... Except me... Which is fine... I’ll take THAT L.”

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pair bond - video


Pair bond - what is it?

Pair Bonding is used as a term for two side by side DSL internet connections. This could get you double the internet speed. Sadly this kind of connection can't be configured on long range DSL connections like ADSL. It's VDSL only and anything above.

Customer: My internet speed is kinda low ISP, what to do about it?
ISP: We can provide you with a faster alternative, it's called Pair Bonding.

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