Definder - what does the word mean?

What is our Lord and Saviour?

One of us

Shit, The Cult of Our Lord and Saviour Pepe is at my house, better hide the gay porn

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our Lord and Saviour - video


Our Lord and Saviour - what is it?

The god of the universe he only needs to use 1 precent of his power to destroy it. If someone makes shaggy mad he will make the person explode using only 0.0000000000000000000001 precent of his power. He can destroy a planet only using 0.0000006 precent of his power.

Random stranger: shaggy is gay
Shaggy: how will you like to die peasant

Random stranger: wait no shaggy I dident mean it SHAGGY NO wait wait your our lord and saviour shaggy
Shaggy: that’s what I thought

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What does "our Lord and Saviour" mean?


Our almighty god, our lord and saviour Hitler, sacrificed his life to save the world from jews and comunism

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Our Lord and Saviour - what does it mean?

Shrek. Or lord and savior is Shrek.

Would you like to talk about our Our lord and saviour, Shrek?

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