Definder - what does the word mean?

What is oompa's?

Cannabis. Can be used to name any sort of weed, whether it be hash, flower or oil.

Used as a code word and can be used whenever you want.

We should get some oompa doompa for the hangout next weekend right?

👍25 👎11

oompa's - meme gif

oompa's meme gif

oompa's - video


Oompa's - what is it?

The greatest insult of all time

Omg Dave is such an Oompa Loompa

👍79 👎23

What does "oompa's" mean?

1. ) Incredibly delightful creatures from the book/movie Charlie and the Chocolate factory (Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory if you prefer). With orange skin and green hair, they charmed the hearts of BILLIONS during the 1984 depression. Rumored to be descendants of angels.

2. ) Girls that can oftenly be found in high schools and sororities throughout all of California. With orange skin of their own brought on by excessive use of fake tanner, they resemble the dwarfed creatures mentioned in the above definition. Some people believe this to be sexy. Others would rather shoot themselves in the foot.

1.) Those oompa loompas sure know how to stir the chocolate.

2.) With that tangerine skin, banana hair, and beige sandals, that oompa loompa looks just like an orange albino.

👍1089 👎317

Oompa's - what does it mean?

1. A native of Loompaland, usually tending towards attributes of small size, an orange commplexion, and green hair; the first recorded information of them comes to us from Roahld Dahl, the author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
2. Someone who has one, or all, of these attributes; used usually as an insult or in a derogatory manner.

" John's new girlfriend is an Oompa-Loompa."

👍2305 👎529

Oompa's - meaning

A massive number. Here's it's value:
Don't ask me to explain how these curly brackets work, looks like a bunch of error-laden code to me.
This number is so big that we simply do not have enough atoms in our observable universe to even write the number.

Convict: Please, judge. Show me mercy!
Judge: I'll give you a choice!
Convict: Thank you!
Judge: 7 days in solitary confinement...OR... meameamealokkapoowa oompa nanoseconds in jail.
Convict: The second one!
Judge: Enjoy your {{L100,10}10,10&L,10}10,10 years in the lock!
Convict: If only I paid attention in Maths class.

👍83 👎15

Oompa's - definition

Best friend code word for...I need help...something is me asap

Where is my oompa?

You: oompa
Friend: OMG what's wrong?

👍29 👎17

Oompa's - slang

1. Short little man with green hair and orange skin

What a fag
Gayest person alive
"Where did he go?"

I saw Oompa making out with Joey.
Oompa won olympics in shortest person ever and gayest.

👍39 👎47


A word, meaning "grandpa". Also, the word "ooma" means grandma.

"Mommy, I want to go fishing with Oompa today."

👍73 👎39


typically the small orange skinned, green haired fellows that devote their lives to floating on the chocolate river or picking gumdrops off of the gumdrop trees
if particularly band-nerdy, it means the part in a song (usually march) in which the tubas take the down-beat and the horns take the up-beat, thus creating an OOMPA SOUND
(and as a result, the ham song is born)

"oompa loompa doompadee do, i've got another story for you."
"don't touch the chocolate river!!!"

band director- "cmon horns,i need that oompa effect!!!!"

👍59 👎23


a person that uses 'Fake tanning lotion' and turns there skin orange, making them resemble an oompa loompa.

Geez that Oompa tries too hard.

👍139 👎61