Definder - what does the word mean?

What is oh they fuckin'?

An expression of confusion.

Me: (wakes up late for work) OH fuckin' Fuck!

👍25 👎11

oh they fuckin' - video


Oh they fuckin' - what is it?

Used as an alternate, more colloquial, version of "I ship it". Literally means "Character x and y are going to have sex together".

Person 1: Person 2, I trust you with all my heart.
Person 2: I can say the same for you
Bystander: Oh they fuckin'!

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What does "oh they fuckin'" mean?

When you get so mad at someone or something you begin to rage and yell "oh you fucking asshole", but then the rage consumes your vocal cords and you temporaryilly go mute for a short bit.

Dude, Cory just pulled a oh you fuckin ass! I wonder what Stella did...

👍25 👎11

Oh they fuckin' - what does it mean?

An expression of extreme dismay, or shock

Jed: "Your mother-in-law was just killed when she drove off a cliff."
Red: "Um hmmm."

Jed: "She was driving your 2006 custom dually Dodge 4WD Mega Cab Cummins Turbo Diesel."
Red: "Shit oh fuckin dear!"

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Oh they fuckin' - meaning


(Off-The-Hip Headshot) O MAH FUCKIN GEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

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Oh they fuckin' - definition

Phrase some one says to another person or pet to call them over or get their attention.

Oh Da Fuckin' over here!

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