Definder - what does the word mean?

What is nighter's?

a sunday night where one guy fucks a girl in front of his friends in a trailer behind a house. Usually, this is filmed by one of the friends by a phone that records for 3 hours straight

Jason: dude that ''sunday nighter'' was great!!
Stefan: wow man were going t be pornstars
girl: DEEPERR!! goodnes gracious!!
Martin: man this will go down in history

👍55 👎15

nighter's - meme gif

nighter's meme gif

nighter's - video


Nighter's - what is it?

Remaining awake and actively engaged in some activity during nocturnal hours. The type of activity will differ and the typical person is usuall between 17-40 years old

"Did you study for the biochem final?"

"Totally---I was able to buy the book for the class yesterday and I pulled an "all nighter."

👍897 👎293

What does "nighter's" mean?

When you stay up all night for any purpose, to hang out, have sex, study, go online, drive, or any other activity

"We pulled an all-nighter in town last summer"

👍2371 👎767

Nighter's - what does it mean?

Picking up a chick for sex and then dumping her right after you give her your "ghost"

See "humpty dumpty"

👍375 👎103

Nighter's - meaning

A study or work session that goes through the night; studying without sleep (usually a last-minute course of action).

The term is popular with college students who spend the night before an exam studying (or 'cramming'), trying to learn a lot of material in a short period of time. The term is frequently used in the phrase 'pull an all-nighter'.

1) We pulled an all-nighter to finish the report.

2) I pulled an all-nighter to study for my math exam.

👍1463 👎407

Nighter's - definition

Ditching sleep to spend several more hours cramming for tests, only to notice that you've drooled on your desk in front of the class the next day.

I pulled an all-nighter to study and ended up in the wrong class twice.

👍3269 👎765

Nighter's - slang

Staying awake, usually with the aid of caffeine and cold showers, for over 24 hours. Usually a feat performed by overworked students, but also by physicians and programmers, and other individuals who refuse to sleep until having solved some mystery.

An all-nighter is NOT simply staying up until the sun rises, then sleeping.

Jennifer felt like a zombie after having pulled two all nighters in a row during midterms week. "Really, it's not that bad after the 40th hour or so," she said, "...once you get past the hallucinations and the funny twitching thing your legs do."

👍2487 👎353


A one night stand, no real connections but just for fun..

Oi boys had a nighters with ‘paige’ the other night was better than expected.

👍35 👎11


1) a way of saying goodbye at night
2) a shortcut for goodnight

person1: well i gotta go to bed now
person2: no you dont
person1: uh.. ya i do
person2: ok nighters
person1: bye

👍97 👎25


An overnight stay

We took all the stuff for a one nighter.

👍73 👎17