Definder - what does the word mean?

What is night goggles?

My future is so bleak I need night vision goggles

My future is so bleak I need night vision goggles :(

👍27 👎15

night goggles - video


Night goggles - what is it?

To lol your ball sack over a girls eyes possibly during oral sex

She just kept staring at me... so I gave her the israeli night goggles

👍71 👎155

What does "night goggles" mean?

When testicles are placed in the eye sockets. One testicle must be placed in each eye socket while the recipient is sleeping.

I will administer the Arabian night goggles to Nate in Washington.

👍209 👎63

Night goggles - what does it mean?

sunglasses so dark that they make day appear like night.

That tons o' fun sat on my night goggles.

👍41 👎21