Definder - what does the word mean?

What is nedi?

When you pee in a girl’s nostril and it comes out the other side

My girls sinus’s have been giving her problems. I think I am going to have give her a Dirty Nedi.

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nedi - meme gif

nedi meme gif

nedi - video


Nedi - what is it?

An amazing person who loves amani so much

nedy is aman's girlfriend

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What does "nedi" mean?

the most beautiful girl in the world

i love Nedy

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Nedi - what does it mean?

Amazing ass person who deserves love and affection Bc is depressed but never shows it she can be mean with people who she doesn’t like, she is soft and can be dark at some points but never leave her with sharp things

Nedys is one of the most amazing person

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Nedi - meaning

A shy girl who is daring and sweet.

Nedi is so shy...
I know

She will talk to me someday...

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