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What is ncmo's?

Non Commital Make Out

What did u do this weekend?

Oh you know hung out with a friend.

Get some NCMO?
Solid bro.
He was hot so we had a little NCMO then I walked away.
Dude, did u see that girl over there? I would love a little NCMO with her

👍25 👎11

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Ncmo's - what is it?

None committal Make out

Last night I totally had like five ncmo's in like a 4 hour period I'm such a make out slut

👍79 👎93

What does "ncmo's" mean?

Nigga Cut My Onion

Stupid ass NCMO, bitch be crying for days.

👍91 👎45

Ncmo's - what does it mean?

Non-committal makeout

I love New Years Eve, because you can have an NCMO with just about anyone who is single.

👍65 👎23

Ncmo's - meaning

(pronounced nik-mo). acronym for Non-Committal Make Out. Use after sloppily (or not sloppily) making out with someone you will probably never see again. NCMOs usually happen at bars, clubs or parties.

I totally got a NCMO last night!

Dude, Kerry is NCMOing that guy from France right now!

Kristin NCMO'd some dude in that band.

👍109 👎43

Ncmo's - definition

NCMO (nick-mow) acronym. Non-Committal Make-Out

During a party you find some random person and kiss for an extended period of time . . . never to hook-up again. Tongue use is probable but not required. This behavior could result in you being labeled a ho or man-whore.

She went to the dance looking for a NCMO.

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Ncmo's - slang

non-commital make out sessions. Almost like a one night stand, but without the actual penetration.

one night stands are too iffy, so I'll go out and get me a ncmo tonight.

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Non Committal Make Out

Yo he just got some NCMO from butterface.

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