Definder - what does the word mean?

What is naturelle?

a sexy beast, who loves to be around her gals.

i wish i was Naturel

👍25 👎11

naturelle - meme gif

naturelle meme gif

naturelle - video


Naturelle - what is it?


Start Naturell straight BUSSIN

👍25 👎11

What does "naturelle" mean?

Naturelle is an amazing person and an awesome friend. If you mess with her, her friends will come and hunt you down.

Naturelle is my best friend.

👍25 👎11

Naturelle - what does it mean?

au naturel means naked

Nearly all the cadets in my pod walk around au naturel , sometimes with boners!

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Naturelle - meaning

(1) natural look or state. typically used for women that aren't wearing makeup or haven't had any cosmetic surgery.

(2) also used for European or hippie women that don't shave their arm pits or their legs.

(1) She looked even more beautiful au naturel.

(2) That French chick has hairy legs, she's going au naturel.

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Naturelle - definition

1) In a natural state, pristine, unadulterated.
2) Not wearing clothes, nude.
3) Not wearing makeup, fresh-faced.

Literally, French: "in the natural state."

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Naturelle - slang

The name of one of the hottest people to ever exist.

Ur such a Naturelle

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Naturelle is an amazing person and an awesome friend. If you mess with her. Her friends will come and hunt you down. Her personality is the best

Naturelle is my best friend

👍55 👎21