Definder - what does the word mean?

What is national throw shorts people day?

OCTOBER 24 - grab your friend and throw them, drag

them, or do anything to them because they're short!

Must be 5'4 or over to throw someone. Everyone under...

you better hide.

Girl1: hey it’s October 24th :)
Girl 2: and what’s that?
Girl 1: national throw short people day:)
Girl 2: please don’t

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national throw shorts people day - video


National throw shorts people day - what is it?

On October 21, you can anybody under 5’6” with no permission needed

Girl1: hey it’s October 21st :)
Girl 2: and what’s that?
Girl 1: national throw short people day :)
Girl 2: please don’t

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What does "national throw shorts people day" mean?

OCTOBER 24 - grab your friend and throw them, drag

them, or do anything to them because they're short!

Must be 5'4 or over to throw someone. Everyone under...

you better hide.

Girl1: hey it’s October 21st :)
Girl 2: and what’s that?
Girl 1: national throw short people day:)
Girl 2: please don’t

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National throw shorts people day - what does it mean?

yeet those under 5'4 with gusto and bless the ground they fall on. The date goes on October 23rd.

"Why'd you throw me"
"Because its national throw shorts people day bitch"

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National throw shorts people day - meaning

just throw someone who is 5'4 and under

also me b-day

y u throw me

it is national throw short people day

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National throw shorts people day - definition

October 21st. A day where we are all free to throw anyone below 5'6".

The National Throw Short People Day Song!

It's the most wonderful time of the year
For the tall it’s so thrilling,
With everyone filling the short ones with fear,
It's the most wonderful time of the year.

It's the hap-happiest season of all,
With small people on ceilings and gay happy feelings,
As short ones do fall,
It's the hap-happiest season of all.

There'll be shorties for tossing
And small ones for crossing,
And hurling around in the air,
All the vertically challenged,
That you can imagine,
To launch while the passersby stare.

It's the most wonderful time of the year,
Take the smalls and start throwing,
And all will be glowing,
With screams that you hear,
It's the most wonderful time of the year.

There'll be littles for hurling,
The 5 foots are whirling,
And hurtling round in the air,
All the vertically challenged,
That you can imagine,
To launch while the passersby stare.

It's the most wonderful time of the year
Take the smalls and start throwing,
And all will be glowing,
With screams that you hear,
It's the most wonderful time
Yes the most wonderful time
Oh the most wonderful time
Of the year

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National throw shorts people day - slang

Just throw someone under 5,5


it's national throw short people day

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National throw shorts people day

On October 21, you can, without permission throw anyone who is 5’ 5” or shorter with no repercussions.

β€œWhat day is it?”
β€œNational Throw Short People Day”

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National throw shorts people day

On October 21, you can anybody under 5’4” with no permission needed
Prepare to be yeeted for it is national throw short people day, even people named Jace.

Hey, have you heard that today is National throw short people day? I can't wait to yeet some dwarfs!

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National throw shorts people day

On October 21, you can anybody under 5’6” with no permission needed

Prepare to be yeeted for it is national throw short people day

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