Definder - what does the word mean?

What is natilie?

Simply Great in every way possible. Specially when it come to smurfing it! but also slightly smelly

u, u, u,u,u,u,u,u and me

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natilie - meme gif

natilie meme gif

natilie - video


Natilie - what is it?

Natily is the kind of friend everyone wants; loyal, funny, and extremely selfless. She's down to hang out whenever, and will never leave you bored. Natily also fails to recognize her own potential, but there's still plenty room for her to grow. As independent and open minded as she is, natily is guaranteed success.

if you want to change your life for the better, get yourself a natily.

I wish I was a natily.

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What does "natilie" mean?

This person is the prettiest person you will ever meet. This person is kind and caring, and will be with you to listen to everything that you have to say. She has a perfect body. Commonly unsure of herself.

She’s so natilie

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Natilie - what does it mean?

she is just a lesbian And she is weird

With Natilie

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Natilie - meaning

Smart, cool and fun but very talkative. Laughs a lot and has a deep smile

Natilies awesome and fun

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