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What is musical boner?

Music played in erectile dysfunction commercials. Usually some generic southern guitar jam that makes you look up, then quickly back down again because they're telling you how to "get it done".

There's always an awkward silence after the boner music stops.

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musical boner - video


Musical boner - what is it?

The way a pretty girl might give a man an erection, a culinary boner is music that excites people.

Dude 1: Have you heard the new Radiohead?

Dude 2: Yeah, and I had a huge musical boner. It's awesome!

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What does "musical boner" mean?

When someone sings so well, so much dopamine is released and spread, that it gives either the singer or the audience a boner.

Person one: Dude! did you hear Alice Cooper's Poison on the radio yesterday?
Person two: Hell yeah! I swear I got a Musical boner about halfway through!

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Musical boner - what does it mean?

It's like an affection erection.

On your heart.

But it's because of the music porn you're listening to.

And it effects your heart and your mind.

*You may also literally get an erection or get wet.

A.J: Dude I'm getting a music boner listening to all this music porn!

Julie: Dang those songs you're listening to must be real good.

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Musical boner - meaning

When music is so good it becomes arousing.

Dude, i had a musical boner all the way through the tame impala concert last night.

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