Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mungo?

(verb) To enhance, improve or make something go harder, faster and so forth.

Bloke (a) You should kick that ball harder
Bloke (b) Yeah, it's time to give it a little bit of mungo

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mungo - meme gif

mungo meme gif

mungo - video


Mungo - what is it?

realy realy big
quite large

bob: whats that, its realy big?!?
pat: yah, i know, its mungo

👍95 👎135

What does "mungo" mean?

A mumbling scotsman who lives on a decrepet sailboat and speaks in completely broken english even though it is his first language. He enjoys telling incoherent stories and freaking people out with his bizarre manners and accent.

"Mungo, trim your damn nails"

"F***ing Mungo man, Mungo."

👍85 👎111

Mungo - what does it mean?

A mungo is a dumpster diver - someone who looks through trash and takes out all the valuable stuff

1st Dude: Dude, your GF is such a Mungo

2nd Dude: Huh? DUDE what you talking about?

1st Dude: Yesterday I saw her going through my dumpster and taking out all my valuable trash

👍93 👎115

Mungo - meaning

Anyone involved with Rugby League be it fans, players, coaches, administrators, reporters etc. These Mungoes also tend to be incorrigible reprobates and are best avoided.

Joey Johns is just another neanderthal Mungo

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Mungo - definition

From the video game Fallout 3.
The children in Little Lamplight used it as an insult to adults.

"Get out of here, you mungo!"

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Mungo - slang

The word Mungo is commonly used to describe people associated with the parlour game known as rugby union. Some ancient human remains were found near Lake Mungo in Australia and ever since Mungo has been used to describe the knuckle dragging, wife beating, oafish types who play rugby union.

The mungo tried to catch the ball but totally missed it, the crowd clapped politely then urinated on each other.

👍39 👎79


Slang for Arse-hole.

"She has a well loose mungo"
"I need a shit man, my mungo's killing me"
"Savage my mungo"

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a guy who is total loser with no friends

dat guy is listenin 2 his ringtones. what a mungo

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retarded. someone who is mentally impared.

look at that guy, what a mungo!

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