Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mulfords?

The most beautiful and nicest girl in the world, would do anything for her friends. She loves dogs. take you're shot at dating her. I secretly love a zoe mulford. Murder any who will take her from you.

Friend 1: "Wow she is Gorgeous like a goddess of beauty".
Friend 2: "She must be a zoe mulford".

👍29 👎13

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mulfords meme gif

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Mulfords - what is it?

To destroy, to wreck, useless acts, newspaper reading; See Mr. Dispatch,stock market expert

They Mulforded that car all up

👍31 👎19

What does "mulfords" mean?

The sludgey, black, disgusting snow that gets trapped in your wheel well, specifically common in miserable climates such as Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois

Charley, go clean the mulfords off my Honda!

We got rid of some mulfords today.

👍25 👎11