Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mother asshole?

she is a stupid bitch who steals money, takes your own car, flirts with your men, and in general is a dirty cunt.

"Today was such a bad day i just had to ask why your mother sucks my asshole dry."

"I'm sorry, dude. She's a dirty cunt."

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mother asshole - video


Mother asshole - what is it?

perhaps the most offensive and all-encompasing insult ever conceived. either Portugese or Afrikaans in origin.

dude1: go on, say "you were born from your mother's asshole, because her cunt was too busy being fucked by a dog"

dude2: you were born from your mother's assho punches 2 in face>

👍145 👎53

What does "mother asshole" mean?

a person who cheated on you

my wife is a mother-fucking asshole bitchy shitty person! DAMN! she had sex with Kendrick Lamar!

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Mother asshole - what does it mean?

A creative cuss word, better than mother fucker and way better than mother bitch. So vulgar while disgracing the name of mother. Almost like telling someone you fucked their mother's asshole last night but in a more nonchalant manner.

Crystal: I just wanted to let you know that you have sharted yourself while on the dance floor.

Becca: Seriously don't think you you're being a mother asshole telling me that? You could have waited until we were outside.

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