Definder - what does the word mean?

What is moosin'?

its whatever you want

Friend - "How you doin?"
Me - "Oh im just MOOSIN."

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moosin' - meme gif

moosin' meme gif

moosin' - video


Moosin' - what is it?


Bitch 1: What you doin tonite?
Bitch 2: Juicin the moosin
Bitch 1: Can i watch?
Bitch 2: You can help.

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What does "moosin'" mean?

The conglomeration of multiple lower level organisms to form a higher level organism. Most commonly used to describe the succession of mouse to moose.

"Spontaneous Moosination"

Several Mouse form a group of Mice.

Several Mice form a group of Meese

Several Meese form a Moose

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Moosin' - what does it mean?

"Moosin' around" is a term for when people are doing something that doesn't seem harmful but very easily and very quickly can become so.

"Look at them, Moosin' around, they're gonna get hurt."

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Moosin' - meaning

When sex drive and testosterone levels are so high you feel like you can take the world on in a bare knuckle fist fight.


The over powering urge to destroy some sweet poon.

Bro I was Bull Moosin' so bad today at work! Lesley looked so fine I just wanted to dick her down longdick style.

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Moosin' - definition

1. Out here on the plains buffalo are still called bison, so when they cross with moose they are called Moosin which is not unlike the muffalo found in Western Minnesota.

2. Any non-stereotypical cross between animals or events.

Don't shoot the moosin; it is an endangered species.

They have been moosin around since high school.

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Moosin' - slang

One person wears an array of dildos on their head and chargers full steam ahead into the others orifices.

β€œHey Britt, wanna try moosin’ tonight?”

β€œAs Michael affixed the dildo antlers on his head, and slathered each tip with astroglide, he knew that he and Zachary were going to have a wild night of moosin’.”

β€œKeep on moosin’!”
β€”(Pro moosin’ gif)

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Hanging out or chilling; relaxing, usually with friends, often involves a joint or two.

Indigenous to Santa Cruz, California.

Hey what's you do this weekend?
i was just moosin it with some people at the beach.

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When someone has done yayo/cocaine and is high out their minds then Bruce the Moose is officially on the loose and they're moosin. They're amped, pumped up, moosin hardcore- wicked happy and talking fast, talking much, moving much, bouncing much, jumpy much, dancing much, and having a great effing time actin a fool.

"Cocaine is a hell of a drug... a hell of a drug that gets you moosin kids."

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Chillin' with a flat spliff in the dark alleys of Ottawa. The word is derived by the distinct Northern Canadian Moose's tendancies to hide in dark places, example, a canopy of thick, evergreen Canadian Pine trees.

"Maybe later I'll go moosin' with the lads after work."

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