Definder - what does the word mean?

What is montanez?

The goofiest of goofys the ugliest of uglys the nerdiest of nerds the most goofy gay loser to ever step foot on earth
Possibly a zoophile

Wow bro Alex is hella musty and he always interrupts peoples conversations when nobody is talking to him man i hate ALEXANDER MONTANEZ

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montanez - meme gif

montanez meme gif

montanez - video


Montanez - what is it?


I got Nayeli Montanez high and she easily sucked my dick

👍25 👎11

What does "montanez" mean?

To montanez is to get with one of your friends ex-girlfriends, Making out = 1 point, in pants/shirt = 2 points, fucking = 3 points; its a fun game, just don't piss off your friends too bad.

Shannon got montanezed by Ryan on a bus for 1 point.

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