Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mobile gamer?

A person who primarily or often plays mobile games.

I'm not just a gamer. I'm a mobile gamer.

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mobile gamer - video


Mobile gamer - what is it?

The lowest level of stupidity. So low, that they could be the player in mobile game ads that can’t succeed that the simplest of tasks

Something ain’t right about your friend, hey?
Ya. He tried 3,333 times and still can’t figure out how to sort toys on a mobile game
Who’s Lamborghini?
It’s his. Developers pay him to play their games for their ads. He’s a pro mobile ad gamer

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What does "mobile gamer" mean?

Peasants who are more poor than than console peasants
Self Proclaimed gamers who share their so called montages on Instagram with a huge watermark and effects which gives epilepsy to others.
Usually Shits about why they Don't need to buy a Console/PC.
Not actually REAL gamers.
Doesn't know about others games than PUBG MOBILE , FREE FIRE or CALL OF DUTY MOBILE
Certified Virgins

Boy 1 : Have you tried playing PUBG MOBILE ?
Boy 2 : Ewww , thats that game sucks and only so called MOBILE GAMERS play it

Virgin mobile gamer : Can you please check my Instagram gaming page, i upload PUBG MOBILE montages ?
Chad PC gamer : Get out of my sight , you unworthy MOBILE GAMER

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Mobile gamer - what does it mean?

A person who plays games on a mobile platform. Yes we are gamers.

PC Gamer: I use PC!
Mobile Gamer: I use mobile
Other dude: OK

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Mobile gamer - meaning

A type of gamer that gets the most hate probably because of the large amount of crappy mobile games there are. I could be wrong though, there could be a different reason.

Guy 1: "Hey, wanna play League of Legends Wild Rift with me?"
Guy 2: "Please get out of my sight, mobile gamer."

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