Definder - what does the word mean?

What is milk box?

A pregnant baddie

Fuck around and make her box milk material

πŸ‘27 πŸ‘Ž13

milk box - video


Milk box - what is it?

Box milk is when you shoot a load inside a lady and it runs down her leg after. Your load runs out of her box making it box milk.

"Dude I filled her full of box milk!"

πŸ‘35 πŸ‘Ž11

What does "milk box" mean?

1. When a man ejacultes in a vagina.
2. When a man ejaculates on a vagina.
3. To make a vagina squirt.

GW: How was sex with Sasha? Did you use a condom?
Yoshi: It was great. And no I didn't use one.
GW: So you pulled out, right?
Yoshi: Not in time, I unintentionally milk the box.

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Milk box - what does it mean?

The process of using a straw to suck out the semen from any bodily orphice.

"Dude it was badass, last night i had a 3-some, and when we finshed i thought the chicks were 69ing, but they were milk boxing dude!"

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Milk box - meaning

A female who takes massive loads in her vag. None drips out. She keeps it cool for storage.

I’m going to smash that girl after school. I heard she’s a total milk box.

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Milk box - definition

(verb) Causing someone to go missing or kidnapped. (photos of missing people were displayed on milk cartons)

"Put your hands on my girl again and you'll get milk boxed!"

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