Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mike white?

Gotta beat White Mike to be White Mike

Aye yo you see Preston over there?
Yeah what about him?
He's White Mike, you gotta beat him to be White Mike.

👍25 👎11

mike white - video


Mike white - what is it?

A little white bitch.

Oh shit there "white mike"

👍25 👎11

What does "mike white" mean?

a cock loving bitch who is lord of games

ur being a Mike Whitely

👍25 👎15

Mike white - what does it mean?

Anyone named Mike who deals/does cocaine.

Let's head over to White Mike's and get some coke.

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Mike white - meaning

Any of your typical run of the mill white guys in their early/mid 20's who acts as ghetto as possible. Can typically bee seen sporting the white wife-beater and backwards ball cap. White Mikes love freeloading and will doing ANYTHING for certain goods and services. White Mikes can be seen around public parks and pools trying to pick up girls that he can "t-t-t-turn it over and hit it."

"Hey isn't that White Mike trying to get free water from that pizza place?"

"Man, I wish someone would put White Mike out of his missery."

"Hey guys, White Mike is trying to pawn 'House Party 4' any takers?"

👍135 👎139

Mike white - definition

a white male typically raised in black/urban environment, adores black women, despises and rejects anything caucasian including white women. Adored by black women. The only white guy at the party that everybody loves. Possibly a rapper or dj. Blacker than some of his black friends proving the "white" in White Mike is actually quite ironic. Fly ass dude.

White Mike gets more black girls than me.

White Mike is black, he's just real real lightskin.

White Mike knows all the bad bitches

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Mike white - slang

An awesome person who has bad taste in political affairs and watches to much American Idol . Eats way to much Chocolate Chips and Cheese. Manorexic lol.

To Mike White is to vote republican in any election lol.

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