Definder - what does the word mean?

What is midnight rodeo?

While having sex doggystlye, tell the female (or male) that she is the ugliest girl or guy youve been with and try to hold on for eight seconds.

"I gave xotchil the midnight rodeo"
-josh flores

👍69 👎29

midnight rodeo - video


Midnight rodeo - what is it?

Acts of sexual endurance which usually occurs late atnight when a couple can not fall asleep. The goal is to wear each partner out so that they fall asleep. Usually performed by couples who live together or are married.

The acts usually resemble events at a rodeo A.K.A reverse cowgirl/boy etc. Cowboy hats and apparel are not needed but are welcomed. Whoopering and Hollering are mandatory The dominant partner must YEE-HAW after the rodeo has ended.

(Its 2:08 in the morning and couple cannot fall asleep)

Man: Honey are you asleep?

Woman: No but I need to be... Up for a midnight rodeo?

Man: Let me get my hat.

👍41 👎11