Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mexican sex?

To take a PVC pipe and stick it up someone's anus, and then thread barbed wire through it and pull the PVC pipe out.

Down in Del Rio, when gang members are bored they find a drunk person and have Mexican gang sex. Unfortunate victims are usually found by the Police in the morning, dumped over the border.

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mexican sex - video


Mexican sex - what is it?

When two people are rubbing up and down in a vertical manner, chests touching while standing.

This can be done between any two people, regardless of sex. There is no horizontal movement, only vertical rubbing of the chest areas. Participants maybe clothed or not.

"Hes not even humping her. It's like mexican chest sex!"

👍55 👎27

What does "mexican sex" mean?

The act of riding upon someone's dick like a Mexican on a horse

Anna was riding on Jasons dick. Holly heard shouts and speaks. 'ARRIBA' They were having Mexican Sex

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