Definder - what does the word mean?

What is memme?

Masc femme. Used for lesbians. When they're masc... and femme. Not the same as futch (femme butch).

Honestly, you wouldn't get it.

Heisenberg: So is she a femme or butch?
Jesse: No, she's a memme.
Heisenberg: What's a memme?
Jesse: Y'know, like a masc femme. A memme.
Heisenberg: Isn't that the same as futch?
Jesse: No... like futch is in-between femme and butch. Memme is masc and femme at the same time. Like, simultaneously. It's also kinda gender, y'know?

Heisenberg: Jesse what the fuck are you talking about.

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memme - meme gif

memme meme gif

memme - video


Memme - what is it?

A word to describe an idiot or someone on a high level of stupidity and crackhead energy. It’s basically just an insult, so use it however you want

*feels the need to insult someone*

β€œUgh, you’re such a memm”

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