Definder - what does the word mean?

What is memeversation?

Being on the phone with somebody and sending memes to them and talking to them about the memes as they're being sent and laughing each other's ears off at the same time

Also see:


Mom: Hey, why are you laughing so loud, I'm trying to watch TV!

Me: I'm memeversating with my friend mom, God, (charactor name) dies anyways!

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memeversation - video


Memeversation - what is it?

A conversation about memes.

Bro: What's a memeversation?
Bro 2: A conversation about memes bro, we're having a memeversation.

👍29 👎13

What does "memeversation" mean?

a conversation held between two or more individuals comprised entirely of internet memes

Brody keeps textin' stupid memes; he's tryin' to get all up in me and Brad's memeversation!

👍27 👎11

Memeversation - what does it mean?

An entire online chat or conversation conducted exclusively as an exchange of memes and images, without words or text. Especially applies when only using clips of images and/or links to visual memes.

(After several exchanges of clipped images/links of internet memes)
"OMG, we didn't use a single word in that whole thread!"
"Yes, that was a total memeversation."

👍35 👎13

Memeversation - meaning

The universe is made only of memes, we exist to be the memes we truly desire, we are da memes. Life is a struggle to be the dankest.

Its pretty cool being in the Memeverse

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