Definder - what does the word mean?

What is meisha?

An intelligent female who seems totally wholesome and innocent, but ends up fucking up your world between the sheets. And that's only ONE side of her.

Mannn, I didn't know I was dealing with a dirty Meisha until I ended up in counseling.

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meisha - meme gif

meisha meme gif

meisha - video


Meisha - what is it?

a woman who goes out of their way to put the boys first instead of her girls. She isn't a tomboy but more of a female tool that likes to say she likes whatever the guys she is with likes.

Usually the type of girl who will let the guy step over here and in complete denial about the reality of the situation. And even if the guy does her wrong, she will still take him back. The opposite of a Simp.

Originally referenced by Ashera Star Goddess on her youtube channel.

Johnny cheated on Heather.
Heather: It's ok babe I still Love you, you can play your xbox when ever you like.

Dog: Barks* (translates Heather is a Pick Meisha)

Example 2:

Guy: I want to date other girls.
Jen: Ok babe you can date other girls as long as I'm your first choice.

Friend: Wow Jen what are you a pick meisha?

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What does "meisha" mean?

Some chick who broke up with a guy ages ago, maybe a little harshly, but now the bitchboy won't stop moaning about it. Therefore used by the bitchboy's friends as a term of annoyance.

"Somebody shoot him - he's talking about Meisha again."

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Meisha - what does it mean?

Meisha is a girl who is confident, kind, respectful, and smart. She a girl that boys come running. She is popular and has many friends.

Hi Meisha how’s it going
Good but did you see that boy flirting with me!
No lol

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Meisha - meaning

a girl you wanna kiss from head to toe and not miss an inch

damn i was mackin meisha like i was eating that kraft dinner

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Meisha - definition

the girl you want to work hard to give a permasmile too even if it takes hours to achieve, in the end it will be worth it

upp all night, but ended up with a happy meisha

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Meisha - slang

wife material, the kind of women a guy wants to work hard to get and dosnt want to let go, with an amazing set of lips and the most amazing ass you have ever seen, loves animals and might have a boston terrier just saying

damn, that girl is a that girl is a meisha

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A beautiful girl, who is bubbly, energetic, lively and a bit of a flirt. Lots of the boys love her and she has an amazing sense of humour but also one of the kindest people ever. Is very popular but sometimes people may take advantage of her. She is very confident and everyone would want to be her friend.

"maaan, i wish i was friends with meisha.

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