Definder - what does the word mean?

What is megasweet?

noun/adjective: beyond mortal comprehension in its awesomeness, often used when referring to tits, beer and captain beefheart. Sometimes used when referring to 3-D Specs, LSD and Fractals

Tommy: Billy, we have the holy trilogy of the megasweet.
Billy: I agree Tommy. Those tits, beer and musics from the cappin' are megasweet things.

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megasweet - video


Megasweet - what is it?

megasweet |ˈmegΙ™swΔ“t



1. (Of person, place, thing, sound, or taste) Having the characteristic of being vastly appealing

2. Used as a phrase for emotional emphasis in various phrases and exclamations.


1. A talented artist who uses "MegaSweet" as a pseudonym and creates art for the My Little Pony: FiM Community.



Jackie: Bitch, come taste this soup.

Sin: Fuck that soup, get me something megasweet.


Jackie: That hooker you bought me had the itch.

Sin: Megasweet.



Jackie: Hey bro, did you check out that new shit MegaSweet dished out yesterday?

Sin: Fuck yeah man, I've been ready and waiting all week with my pants off.

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