Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mck?

the future 47th richest person on earth. has a girthy mullet and an amazing dress sense.

omg i love mck

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mck - meme gif

mck meme gif

mck - video


Mck - what is it?

It is very unlikley that you typed all these when you aren't bored out of your mind

nosidhfOGIDNV :OcvkNBZDGTIU: bayNCVXJLkbhozx,;laslzx,mck zcxklueoiwpqkscnzjbho

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What does "mck" mean?

Robin McK. is a great person, leader of a large prayer group, and when you talk to her on messenger, even when she's very upset she can't resist laughing with emoji's. Anyone would love her!

I asked Robin McK. if she was having a panic attack and even though she said yes, she could resist adding hehehehe!

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Mck - what does it mean?

Pronounced micky, MCK-Y is a baggy filled with a delicious combination of mandy (mdma), coke and ket. Guaranteed to fuck you up all night long.

β€œOmg i was soooo high last night, it’s all that MCK-Y” β€œI know right it’s always a bender with MCK-Y”

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Mck - meaning

After heavy recreational consumption of McDonalds (upwards of one Extra Value Meal and free Cheeseburger or 6 fl. oz. McNugget per pint of blood), users experience a 20 to 30 minute strong sugar rush (or 'high') followed by a feeling of depression and regret. Other side effects include:


Some users choose to counter the effects of the McK-hole by taking more of the drug. However these practices, while effective among some users, are not recommended by doctors.

Despite the meagre high and short trip, users will often find themselves relapsing into another McK-hole several days later, with similar consequences.

Bill hasn't moved for ages, I think he might be dead
Nah don't worry, hes just had two Big Macs, hes in a huge McK-hole

Im so baked right now
Ha ha yeh, lets go get some Maccy Ds
I cant believe I just did 8 McMuffins, im coming up so hard
Mate watch out for the McK-hole

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Mck - definition

Scams, cards and hacks. He has the biggest botnet in the world, over 10PBPS of RAW power.

Philly nigga...

Mck scammed that nigga and took his e-girl...

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Mck - slang

A dope graffiti crew Started in Australia

Person1: Yo man, did you see those new MCK tags in the city?

Person2: Fuck yeh, they were off the chain!!!

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