Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mazzer?

a person who gets up in the evry tuesday morning to get a nose job!

my freind abbie <=witch nose c= darn big nose @= abbies nose L= long posh nose all of these are mazzer wazzer hob noses.

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mazzer - meme gif

mazzer meme gif

mazzer - video


Mazzer - what is it?

When you’ve had an absolute amazing sesh and completed the night.

Mate, we got absolutely mazzered at the weekend.

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What does "mazzer" mean?

To send images of your genitals to many of the female gender, and possibly have multiple photo albums made of your cock.

That dude is always sending dps, what a mazzer.

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Mazzer - what does it mean?

Another way of saying β€˜Madnessβ€˜
(Last Z is pronounced like an β€˜S’)

Fucken hell, it’s a mazzers that.

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Mazzer - meaning

Slang for Maruzen, a japanese company that produces high quality airsoft guns.

Fred's a crazy badgeress, he plays cqb with a mazzer springer.

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Mazzer - definition

A slang word describing an annoying person.
Sometimes known as THE most annoying person in the world.

Originating from a small town in Queensland, Australia.

WOW! that guy is just a MAZZER!

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