Definder - what does the word mean?

What is masturbates furiously?

A type of masturbating practiced by reclusives who fear that their masturbatory time may be limited.

This is generally not the case, giving furious masterbaters a proclivity to masturbate a lot.

Instead of playing beer pong and sleazing on grimbos, Alex spent the night in his room, furiously masturbating.

👍123 👎17

masturbates furiously - video


Masturbates furiously - what is it?

a shitty interweb site

man, is stupid

👍153 👎95

What does "masturbates furiously" mean?

Masturbating at a rate likely to cause friction burn.

Dude, wtf was Crowley doing this morning?

He was in early. He masturbates furiously when nobody is around... I wouldn't use that computer if I were you.

👍231 👎71