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What is mason ramsey?

The Greatest young yodeler in history. His claim to fame was yodeling inside a Walmart in Illinois. He is also one of the biggest memes of 2018.

Hey, did you here of The walmart yodeling kid
What's his name again?
Mason Ramsey, you idiot, do you even pay attention to the internet

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mason ramsey - video


Mason ramsey - what is it?

Mason ramsey is the best child of 2018 he is known as "the yoadeling wallmart kid" every body wants some of dat ass

Me: *lauging*
Person: wtf stop
Me: no
Person: why are you lauging
Me: mason ramsey
Person: who

Me : yoadeling wallmart kid

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What does "mason ramsey" mean?

A little kid who sing very well. He’s very good at yodeling. Plus, he’s hot as hell.

Hey big! Did you see the video of Mason Ramsey singing in a Walmart? It’s fucking hilarious

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Mason ramsey - what does it mean?

The most pure human being on this entire planet and serves as the god of memeism. He yodels at Walmart with the voice of an angel. We shall never forget his amazing piece sang at Walmart that let us know that he is coming for Beyonce's name.

Mason Ramsey is the king of the world.

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