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What is mario Kart?

Mario Karting:

Mario Karting can be observed when an individual attempts to drive a vehicle while under the influence of various narcotics & is most commonly associated with "candy flipping".

Although LSD & MDMA are the base ingredients for a true Mario Karting experience this can be further enhanced by adding to the mix such marvels as Valium, Nitrous Oxide & Marijuana Leaf - this list is not exhaustive.

Jimmy thought it'd be a good idea to go Mario Karting after a wild night out. He turned up the dial on his stereo & decided on some filthy ragga jungle for the ride. The tunes were banging & the roads were swerving but Jimmy thought he was doing just fine. His foot was down & with him bearing down on the destination he was seeking all of a sudden out of nowhere... WHAM. Poor Jimmy became the "Madcapped Parked Car Killer Man".

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mario Kart - video


Mario Kart - what is it?

while having sex with your partner, you play mario kart and try to come first in game without coming first in real life.

i went mario karting with my girlfriend last night and she blasted my ass in rainbow road while i blasted her ass with my dick.

👍27 👎11

What does "mario Kart" mean?

A drunk college student's favorite pastime.

Aww fuck...I'm drunk, it's 1AM. Let's play Mario Kart.

👍853 👎369

Mario Kart - what does it mean?

Verb. To leave a banana, or other obstacle or trap, in another's path to cause them harm or delay. Can be used outside the context of the classic nintendo racing series.

Did you see Jim let go of that tree branch in front of Bob? He totally Mario Karted that guy.

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Mario Kart - meaning

It is a game which will never let you win because it hates you.

Hey dude, wanna play some Mario Kart?

👍81 👎17

Mario Kart - definition

Mario Kart is a racing game series made by Nintendo, featuring characters from many games starring Mario and his friends. The Mario Kart games are known for their madcap action with unique racing courses and the use of items to sabotage opponents.

Games in the series:
Super Mario Kart (Super Nintendo Entertainment System): The first game in the series revolutionized racing with it unique game play, use of items and two-player mode.
Mario Kart 64 (Nintendo 64): The sequel to Super Mario Kart, it featured amazing graphics and all new courses, plus being able to play with up to four players.
Mario Kart Super Circuit (Game Boy Advance): Going back to the semi-3D days of Super Mario Kart, this game combines the best of both the first two Mario Kart games with new tracks and classic gameplay. This game even has all of the Super Mario Kart tracks available for play as unlockables.
Mario Kart Double Dash!! (Nintendo Gamecube): One of the more insane games in the series, this one changed things over entirely with each kart being driven by two characters, which could be swapped during a race. This also featured the ability to pick from multiple vehicles as opposed to being limited to racing in tiny Go-Karts.
Mario Kart DS (Nintendo DS): The latest game in the series is one of the first to include free online play via Nintendo WiFi Connection. There were multiple karts for each driver, and the game also includes tracks from the previous Mario Kart games.

Hey, who's up for a game of Mario Kart?

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Mario Kart - slang

a game that will leave you with one friend less

Chad: *punches fred

👍93 👎13

Mario Kart

To be in the lead in something or to have a streak of success, only to have your success snatched away from you at the last moment, possibly through unfair or unjust means on the part of the person beating you.

Popularised from the game's frequent result in which a 1st place can be snatched away just before the finish line with a powerup.

Can be used as a more friendly version of cockblocked.

"I was so close to making out with this girl, but then Bill Mario Karted the hell out of me by buying her a drink before I could"

👍191 👎15

Mario Kart

A videogame created by Nintendo to realistically simulate what driving is like in Italy.

Italian Driver: "It's a-like Mario Kart onna these streets!"

👍457 👎27

Mario Kart

Being in 1st place on the third lap in Mario kart. And being 10 seconds from the finish line, when you get smacked by a blue shell, then a red shell, then knocked off the course, brought back in by lakitu, hit by a bullet bill, and a star, causing you to fall off again, and then you finish in 12th place

Player 1: I'm about to win!
*blue shell*
*Red shell*
*knocked off*
*ran over by bullet*
*hit by starman*

*falls off again*
*finishes last*
Player 1: nevermind, I just got Mario karted

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