Definder - what does the word mean?

What is marilla?

The unpredictable bounce produced by the underclass tennis surface at the Marrila tennis courts. Known for many unforced errors and balls netted. Also the main cause for frustration and anger directed towards why on earth you can't get the goddman ball over the net when all of your mechanics are working for you.

Dude, why do you keep netting those balls? - It's not me its the Marilla Bounce.

👍31 👎11

marilla - meme gif

marilla meme gif

marilla - video


Marilla - what is it?

the underbelly ooze on catfishes. tastes divine on saltine crackaz.

lets go hunting fo some marilla

👍45 👎57

What does "marilla" mean?

Marilla is a kind and beautiful person. She Is loved by many but only truly loves one person. Out of all her features her smile and her eyes are the best, thats what makes her a Marilla.

"Look at her!"
"Woah! Shes Defiantly a Marilla"

👍87 👎21