Definder - what does the word mean?

What is marclar?

Used on planet Marclar to replace all nouns.

Holy Marclar, Marclar, what the Marclar, was that Marclar doing?

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Marclar - what is it?

From old French meaning "that fool is a freakin flamer"
To present meaning, any noun.

Hey marclar lets's go down to the marclar and buy some marclar.

👍53 👎69

What does "marclar" mean?

any person, or thing. Used as a substitue noun

You stupid marclar.

That marclar doesn't work.

👍67 👎49

Marclar - what does it mean?

A word used to substitute all nouns. Made popular from the Comedy Central television program South Park.

I was walking when I saw a giant marclar attack a marclar.

At the marclar, there were many marclars.

The marclar is a stupid marclar.

👍69 👎17