Definder - what does the word mean?

What is manoos?

A manoose is a chubby fat small guy who sweets are made of.

That cake was made from a tasty manoose

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Manoos - what is it?

A rare species of spectacled moose. It is known to wander freely in the north-westerly region of "Mannies" but makes weekly migrations to the midlands in seek of a mate.
Manoose is a quiet, lovable beast and when startled it makes a noise that resembles a pigeon. His leg span is often described as his "spread" and he demonstrates this spread as a form of mating call.

Person 1: "Excuse me"
Person 2:"Manoose ye Fuckin' bastard"

"What's that burning smell?"
"Oh it's manoose."
"Manoose? MANOOSE?! Manoose is on fire??!!"

👍55 👎15

What does "manoos" mean?

Going mouth to anus

That lad went manoos with her.

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Manoos - what does it mean?

one who habitually fails; an overall slow person; unlucky person; one who loses in life. commonly used amongst urdu speakers of pakistan.

"chalo manoos." in traffic

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