Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mananas?

1. The fleshy area between the thighs of a male human. A Combination of the words Man and banana.

2. The curved penile shaft.

Many believe the word originated out of a simple misunderstanding between a Chinese speaking person and an Englishman.

"Q proceeded to vomit blood after being struck in the manana by the disease-ridden prostitute."

"My manana is so big, I have to wrap it around my leg."

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mananas - meme gif

mananas meme gif

mananas - video


Mananas - what is it?

the penis. used mainly in reference to acts of homosexuality.

Richard likes to smoke mananas.

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What does "mananas" mean?

A mans genital banana

You ladies want to see my manana?

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Mananas - what does it mean?


It was always manana. For the next week that was all I heard--manana, a lovely word and one that probably means heaven.

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Mananas - meaning

A "man-banana", an erect curved penis

After Pamela touched Tyler's penis, it grew into a beautiful manana for all to see. They both glowed in its presence.

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Mananas - definition

It means mother in a south african language called Xitsonga spoken by the Tsonga tribe in Limpopo province

Manana ndzi kombela mpondo
Mom can i have two Rands

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Mananas - slang

Should be the Spanish word for tomorrow but, because English keyboards lack the tilde "n", can easily be mistaken for man banana.

Hey Kate, have you seen Tom's manana?

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Type of teacher that likes to spit a lot, doesn’t give a fuck about students knowledge, she humiliates them and then she masturbates at home.

Besika: ahhh
Manana: fuckk you, you little scumbag, do u like this hah?

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The best flavor of Powerthirst next to Gun.

On the way to my cubicle desk job, i slammed a Manana Powerthirst.

Those are alright. My favorite is Fizzbitch though.

Eh, I don't like Fizzbitch that much, but GUN is pretty dece. I like the aftertaste.

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New flavor of Powerthirst energy drink

New flaovors of powerthirst now include; manana, fizzbitch, and GUN!

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