Definder - what does the word mean?

What is man day?

When you insert the utter of a cow into your rectum and squeeze the utter to fill your anal cavity with milk.

Dude, I stole Debra's cow and I pulled a Milk man's day dream on it.

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man day - video


Man day - what is it?

Every Wednesday we wear red to support our wall breaking friend, and you have every right to say ,oh yeah kool-aid man just about when ever you feel like it

Kool-aid man day

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What does "man day" mean?

2 Man Day October 15th. Every Year we. celebrate “2 man day”. Aka double date.

10/15 Hey its 2 man day today!!

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Man day - what does it mean?

Only the best day ever! from the film, Empire Records (Regency 1995)

No, we can't fight today, not on Rex Manning Day!!

Everything's been so good; I'm having my own personal Rex Manning Day.

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Man day - meaning

On December the 11th, every person should tell "my mom" jokes

Person 1: I'm gonna participate in Muscle Man's day this year
Person 2: you know who else will participate in Muscle Man's day? MY MOM

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Man day - definition

Manday was created by Ray Wiik and the Bass Section. Manday is a celebration of all that is Man. Every Monday we celebrate Manday by, "Eating meat, and masturbating" - Travis Thorp. All though that is what we do, it is not limited to only those activities. Man activities may include grunting, chest pounding, scratching of inaproprate areas, and growing facial hair.

You don't not have to be a man to celebrate Manday, because men should be celebrated. Without men, there would only be women. There is absoultly nothing wrong with that, it would just be boring. Can't have one without the other, right? So, we feel that as being half of the pie, we should be proud of it.

Today is the Manliest day of the week, Man-Day (Monday)
Man-Day grunt on three, one,two,three..."Grunt"

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Man day - slang

Another word for Super Bowl Sunday. The only Sunday of the year when all men must eat a variety of animals (as close to living as possible), be waited on hand and foot by their women, get to watch TV all day, drink beer until they fart, AND call into work the next day. Blowjobs are optional but expected if your man is rooting for the winning team. The only downside: 8 woman in a room cooing over commercials.

"Dude Man Day is coming!"

"You're right! Let's get sh*tfaced!"

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Man day

The day after Valentine's Day, To complete the day the man must drink an entire case of beer to himself, get into a fight, watch nothing but Rambo, Kung Fu, Rocky etc. Eat nothing but steak (unless it is an animal you hunted yourself)

I got so fucked up on Man Day but it was so worth it because I kicked that dudes ass.

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Man day

Noun; refers to the day when a group of guys get together and forget about their problems and girls. Men only, no women. You are not allowed to text or interact with women during the time you are with your friends on man day. Rock band is a common game played on man day.

Shakur: Man day tommarrow at mikes house.

Mike: no julia!

Kevin: ok

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Man day

A day held on the Saturday of the NFL draft. The day typically consists of drinking a large amount, eating greasy food and placing illegal bets. Competitions, such as horseshoes, video games and beer pong are held on the day. Participants then watch the NFL draft at a local watering hole. Participants are obligated to leave wives and girlfriends at home. It's basically a bachelor party except there's no real reason for holding it. On a typical Man-day 30% of the men puke and .005% die from drinking too much.

Dude, you hear Josh Douche died last Man-Day?

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