Definder - what does the word mean?

What is man buff?

A guy who wears glasses to hide his real identity, often with a fake nose and bad hair ensemble.

dunna dunna dunna dunna, dunna dunna dunna dunna..BUFF MAN!!!

Guy 1: WOW! There goes Buff Man!
Guy 2: No, thats just some guy with glasses
Guy 1: No it is him, he's got shit hair
Guy 2: Oh yeah...

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man buff - video


Man buff - what is it?

buff man: sam, the fittest boy around

dunna dunna dunna dunna, dunna dunna dunna dunna..BUFF MAN!!!

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What does "man buff" mean?

my cool friend Mr sam williams. he helps me do any kind of work in french as i am incapable of it myself. he is however not as cool as milo. is consatntly harrassed by people about work.

milo: sammmmmmmm. help me with my french cos you are clever and i can't do it.
Sam: ok what you do is.... blah blah blah..
John: let me listen to fresh prince!
milo& sam: NO! go away john.
Azia: have you done your philosophy essay yet?

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Man buff - what does it mean?

The buff that only men have. Teenagers and grade schoolers can look buff or ripped, but they aren't man buff. Man buff is that look that only a man can gain. Man buff is accomplished with years of off and on going to the gym. To become man buff, one must have enough fat to look big enough to be man buff. One must lift high weight and low reps. Every guys dream is achieve man buff-ness.

1. That guy looks buff, but he is not man buff.

2. Dang, Ryan and Dean look extremely man buff ever since going off to college.

3. Those men are never going to become man buff because their metabolisms are to fast.

4. Ryan Seacrest is not man buff.

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