Definder - what does the word mean?

What is malp?

'May I help you?" in a more convenient form. Particularly useful for bartenders, waitstaff, and others in the service industry.

"Malp you?"
"Whiskey on the rocks, please."

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malp - meme gif

malp meme gif

malp - video


Malp - what is it?

may I help.(son of bitch.)

Hello Bascin Robins, Duncot Donuts, Taco Bell, Malp You.

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What does "malp" mean?

A random yogurt someone made in their dream, that is slightly pink and has crunchy chocolate balls in it similar to the "Whopper" candy.

I love malp flavored yogurt because I like crunchy balls in my mouth

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Malp - what does it mean?

Malpe means a person who shags a lot of people also known a slag

You are such a fucking malpe

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Malp - meaning

the act of slaping from the forehead down to the chin. someone says something you dont give a fuck about. just *malp* them

"So i finally shaved my hairy ass legs todaa..."*malp*"!"
"my mom died from a heart attaa" *malp* "are u kidding me">:(

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Malp - definition

(v.) to shoot water out of one's during the course of laughing ridiculously hard while unknowingly creating a word

Kellyn malped when she realized she misspelled 'lamp'.

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