Definder - what does the word mean?

What is malory?

Beautiful girl that always says "what the ham"

Friend: Can I have a drink.
Malorie: What the ham

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malory - meme gif

malory meme gif

malory - video


Malory - what is it?

Beautiful girl that always says "what the ham"

Friend: Can I have a drink.
Malorie: What the ham

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What does "malory" mean?

Chubby, midgot girl that talks crap about everyone and anyone. Stabs her "best friends" in the back

Don't that to that girl she is a malroie!

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Malory - what does it mean?

Beautiful girl that always says "what the ham"

Friend: Can I have a drink.
Malorie: What the ham

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Malory - meaning

A beautiful person with a heart of gold and one of the funniest people you’ll meet. She is beautiful inside and out. She’s addicting to be around her energy is contagious. She may seem shy and introverted in a group of many people or people she doesn’t know well but with her friends she is expressive/extroverted and can be the life of the party. She is one of the most loyal, caring and selfless people you’ll ever meet. If you’re friends with or dating a Malorie she will be your biggest supporter. She is truly unique and one of a kind. If you have a Malorie in your life respect and cherish them. You will regret Losing them.

Malorie’s are the nicest people you’ll meet

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Malory - definition

Anoter, more unique way, of spelling Mallory.

Also known as Nutsy, Sporky, Weetsie, a cannible, Shorty.

Is generlly short.
Likes soccer. (Somewhat vicious).
And likes to dye her hair and get piercings.

Soccer Game:
Boy (opposing team playing offence)
Malori (defence of home team)

Boy checks Malori out. Follows her when she doesn't even have the ball. Creeper.

Malori gets the ball. He runs to her. She deeks around him and "accidentally" knees him in the thigh.

Boy goes off field limping.

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Malory - slang

Beautiful, Smart, and funny. She thinks shes not but we all know she is. she is the exact oppisite of Mal. I wish i were here. (tumadre butt butt whore)

Malorie is loved by suzy and Skye sooooooooo much <3

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malori is a beautiful funny and nice girl. If you ever have a malori don't let them go. malori's have beautiful hazel eyes and brown hair they are great girlfriends. she doughts herself nut she doesn't know she is beautiful. if u ever have a malori try no matter what not to let them go.

never let a malori go!!!

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Malorie is a beautiful girl with a kind heart. She has an adventurous view on life and never gives up, no matter what the world throws at her. She is strong, independent, and very funny. Her friends love her dearly.

You're gonna hear malorie roar

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a fierce, 100%canibal; one who enjoys eating, breathing, and talking about people. though she has a quite goofy side, malory is constantly, canibal(ing).

" gee bud, youre acting like a malory! "

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