Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mahesh?

Mahesh is that one guy who just packs and absolute monster of a cock down his pants. Mahesh is always flirting with the ladies although it seems as though he only goes for the clapped ones.

''Dude I wish I was like Mahesh''

''Bro you know he only talks to the ugly chicks''

''Oh yeah, i forgot he does that''

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mahesh - meme gif

mahesh meme gif

mahesh - video


Mahesh - what is it?

Single expression.

Show some expression on your face, why are you being Mahesh Babu?

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What does "mahesh" mean?

Paytm star oh Telugu FB and Twitter..full range hypocrite but acts like a intellect...

Received RS 500/- through Paytm from Kathi Mahesh

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Mahesh - what does it mean?

Best actress of Tollywood, single expression star , only does movies with directors who are on hit streak.

Mahesh Babu is the best actress

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Mahesh - meaning

Ghattamaneni Mahesh Babu is an Indian film actor, producer, media personality, and philanthropist. One of the highest paid Telugu film actors, Babu has appeared in more than 25 films, and won several accolades including, eight Nandi Awards, five Filmfare Awards, three CineMAA Awards, three South Indian International Movie Awards, and one International Indian Film Academy Award.He also owns the production house G. Mahesh Babu Entertainment.

He is the epitome of looks in entire south indian fil industry & also in the club of of the forever Desirable men.

Mahesh Babu

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Mahesh - definition

Ceremoniously crowned king A sweet kind hearted person 🀍 lives in others happines his dream is to bee happy and happy jovial by nature Girls are attracted to him and has a way to be with them . A man who can make someone life πŸ’― %better

I should live like a Mahesh

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Mahesh - slang

A man from Sri Lanka who drives a school bus, drinks White Horse whiskey and screams at his neighbors.

You can't party with Mahesh!

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Mahesh means greatest of all alpha male buffalo of it’s herd.

Wow what a mahesh! He rules the paddy fields.

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Ceremoniously crowned king. Studious , Intelligent , jovial by nature,a person who can make Ur life πŸ’―% better.
Usually a boy Casanova and good with girls than boys.

That boy looks like Mahesh, I love h 😍

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Ceremoniously crowned king. Studious , Intelligent , jovial by nature. Attracts girls and has a way with them.A boy Casanova.Likes to speak to girls indirectly rather than in person.
Named after Maha Shiva The Destroyer.
A person who can make anyone's life πŸ’―% better.

I would like to be like Mahesh

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